October 25, 2022
October 19, 2022
DIY Halloween Wreath
Halloween is right around the corner so here’s a fun idea for an easy DIY wreath to hang on your front door.
October 7, 2022
DIY Halloween Soap Gift idea
Halloween is coming up and its one of my kids favorite holidays... well, all of the holidays are their favorite, but they really like Halloween because they get to dress up and get lots of candy, of course :)
My girls & I love to decorate and make things... well I came across a cute Halloween soap idea the other day that looked fun and simple. As soon as I saw them I thought they would make a great gift for the sweet Ladies we minister to. There were so many ideas and different ways to make them...
So here's our cute gift idea...
or if you just want to make something cute for your bathroom...
October 1, 2022
DIY Shirts
Hello there!
I know it’s been a while to say the least. We’ve had a crazy year!!… our oldest left for college, our second child is a senior, one child learned to drive and got her license, and our last child is in young women’s. It doesn’t seem to slow down, EVER! But we’re making it one beautiful day at a time :)
…So I want to share what we’ve squeezed in…