August 7, 2024

Retaining Wall {UPDATE}

Summer is winding down and its time to get a few things done before it gets cold outside...

I know this isn't something I normally share but I'm really excited about this project!

Well I got a huge surprise a couple Saturdays ago when I thought we'd be working on some projects my Husband wanted to get done... instead he got the tractor and we started digging out the section of lawn between our house and shop.

Its been a sloped mess since we moved in 6 years ago... it's to steep to walk down, hard to mow and we can only keep patches of grass alive. We've talked about changing it for a while but I thought it was on the bottom of our project list.

So, I was really surprised when he started digging out the sod... and we got another surprise when as we dug out the grass we found a lot of large flat stones.

I really wanted 3 terraces but I finally decided that wasn't going to happen because we couldn't agree on what material we would use and how to make it work (we rarely agree on house projects).

It took a few weekends but we got the bottom section dug out, sprinkler lines moved, retaining wall built and put in, supports put in, plastic laid out, and gravel spread. It isn't what I originally wanted but it works and its getting done.... that counts for something. 

We're still a long way from done but we're making progress. 


We've made some progress on our retaining wall...

It's been slow going... but we placed the stone border, capped the ends with stone and cobble rock, and laid plastic and gravel on the pathway.

Then... my favorite part... the plants!

We bought a few different kinds of bushes and a small tree to provide a little shade.

So far everything is growing good... I can't wait to see how it all fills in!

One of my favorite has been the Creeping Jenny... I wasn't sure how well it would do but it is thriving.

I hope they all survive winter!

This has been quite the project but I love how its turning out.

I can't wait to see how they fair next spring!

I'll keep you updated! ;)