November 14, 2024

Old-time Window Frame Mirror

I love old things!

I've had this old frame for years and years. I actually bought 2 when I got them. They were covered in paint and kind of dirty but nothing a little scraping and sanding couldn't fix. 

The first one I fixed, I decided to paint and glued a mirror on the back. I had it hanging in our kitchen in our old house for a long time but when we moved I decided to give it to my Mom. 

 This second one, I painted white at first but I really loved the wood grain so I sanded the paint off (mostly) and left it. 

... at one time I had some chicken wire stapled to the back and had stuff hanging on it. 

But when I decided to hang it in our new kitchen I didn't want much on it, so I took everything off. 

It has hung plain for years...

But this year I decided I wanted to turn it into a mirror like I did my last one. 

It took a long time to figure out where to get a mirror.
The other frame I had... I took the measurements to a local company and they cut a custom mirror for me at a very affordable price, but they aren't there anymore.

So after a bit of measuring and checking... I finally had the solution...

I ordered 2 long skinny mirrors from Walmart...
pulled the frames off the front...
cut them both to the right length (30 inches)
(the width was already perfect)
laid them on the back of my window frame...
siliconed them on and waited overnight...

It worked perfect!!!

I'm very happy with my new mirror!

Happy Fall Y'all!