If you're looking for an expensive gift idea, we have a good project for you.
Christmas is coming quickly so I was trying to find a gift to give my parents and in-laws for Christmas this year.
My girls have been making resin gifts for the last couple years. They are really fun to make and turn out really good. So when I saw some little plastic temples, I thought it would be fun to make temples out of resin.... I really didn't know what I was getting myself into! It turned into a bigger project than I though it would be!
***I thought I'd share our experience so you can decided if its something you might consider doing. You really have to weigh your pros and cons.
-do some research and watch some videos so you'll know what supplies you'll need and how to do everything
Here's my supplies I bought on Etsy and Amazon...
-I bought the temples on Etsy from Tiny3DTemples (they come in different sizes/prices)
Once we received everything in the mail and gathered some small containers
for the molds and to mix the silicone and resin, we were ready.
Our first attempt was a horrific flop!
(we had used cardboard boxes for the mold containers and the silicone soaked right through and leaked all over the place wasting $100 worth of silicone... it was awful!!)
We learned our lesson quick!
The second time we found plastic containers that were about an inch wider than the temples on all sides and we hot glued the edges a lot more.
We also set them on a cookie sheet with layers of newspaper under
in case we had a leak.
Once we had everything prepped, we mixed our silicone in measured containers just to make sure we got the right measurements. Then poured over the temples. We made one cup at a time to make sure the bubbles rose to the top. It turned out much better this time... we still had a little leak but nothing major and the newspaper caught everything so no big messes.
We waited the full 24+ hours for the molds to set.
Then we removed the temples
which was kind of hard but we learned from others if you make a crooked cut
down one side it helps a lot to get them out.
They turned out great!
You have to let the molds sit for 24 hours after they're done
to finish setting all the way before using resin in them.
Once the molds are ready you can mix up your resin in any color with glitter or other add-ins.
Pour in your resin,
use a toothpick or skewer stick to pop the bubbles (especially on the bottom)
and let it sit for 24 hours.
Then remove them from the molds and voila!
Beautiful temples!

I made one Idaho Falls temple and one Manti temple.
They turned out beautiful!