February 7, 2019


Valentines Day is next week and our youngest girly is keeping me busy making valentines goodies and decorations. 

It’s so fun to share the holidays with our kids. They get so excited!

1) lovebirds: two people who are obviously very much in love with each other

February 1, 2019

Easy Valentines Treat

Love is Sweet!!!

February {Valentines Day} is a great time to show the special people in your life how much you love them. I love my special people so much!!!

January 28, 2019

2019 Yearly {1-page} Planner

The year is new and so are my goals...

I'm still working on my {new years resolutions}, but I know for sure that I want to be more organized with my home and my time.

{it's a work in progress... I take one day at a time}

Last year I made this 1-page planner and it helped a lot to remind me what I had coming up for the months ahead.

This planner also worked really well to plan activities and keep record so I know what we did last year. I can go back and evaluate, then decided what activities to plan again and the ones to leave out.

January 15, 2019

{Free} Snowflake Kisses

Winter can be wonderful… but it can also be long, slow and cold.
We are making the most of these intensely cold days at home with family and hot cocoa.
Despite the cold… winter is beautiful!

January 14, 2019

Chalk Paint {Tithing Jars}

Chalk paint is wonderful! It sticks and stays on just about every surface.
For the past 5
or so years,
I have been
keeping our
kids tithing
money in
sandwich bags
in thetop of a
until we
would take
them to church
and turn them
in. Tithing
is donation
money we
give to
our church.

CTR {Choose The Right} Poster

(This theme never gets old!… no matter what age you are)