"To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necessary to stand out in the cold" -Aristotle
A wood snowflake has been on my "to build" list for years. So during Christmas break my girls and I spent some time building. I made a snowflake while my girls each made large wood arrows.
They were each different {just like us}
and they turned out great!
{plus: its always fun doing things together}
There are so many good tutorials online from so many talented women. I probably have about 100 different tutorials saved on pinterest. But I just wanted a small one {18"} to go on my shelf in our livingroom. So I took the directions from a couple different tutorials and just shortened all the pieces.

The wood I used was just scrap pieces I had laying around
they measured 1 1/2" wide x 1/4" thick
I cut:
3 - 18" long pieces
12 - 3" long pieces with both ends at 45* cuts
6 - 2 1/2" pieces cut at 45*
cut from a 1"x 3" board
{so 2 sides will be 2 1/2" and one side will be a bit longer}
{the * is for degrees...
since I don't know how to make a tiny circle on the computer}
Once you have all your pieces cut
then you can glue and nail them together.
The fun thing is you can change the direction of any of your pieces
so the same pieces can make a few different kinds of snowflakes.
When mine was dry I stained it dark
and then painted it white.
I love it!!!
Someday I may just make a large one to put by our front porch.

Have a great day!
Thanks for stopping by!!